© 2024 Predrag Pale

Naš sustav vrijednosti, ono što nam je važno u životu, dobivamo odgojem, koji je posljedica utjecaja naše (ljudske) okoline, kroz poruke koje nam šalje: verbalne i sve one druge.

I kad odrastemo, dakle oblikujemo svoju ličnost, i dalje su naši životni ciljevi rezultat poruka koje dobivamo iz okoline.


Most of us have been brought up in a world where success and achievement (socially and fiscally) are the only things that matter. It's no longer enough to be a baker because your father was a baker, to have a few friends, to live a simple life and enjoy it. Nowadays you have to be the best baker in the land and be famous, have your own bakery show on TV. You must be loved by all, you must be popular. If you don't have a gazillion friends, well, then you're probably a loser nut job. We've been fed the line that anyone can achieve anything, along with the unspoken corollary that if you don't achieve something noteworthy in your life, well, then you're more than a little bit of a waste of DNA.

99% of the messages we soak up and believe as inward truths are, not to put too fine a point on it, bullshit. They've created a society obsessed with beauty, (to the point where women have their bodies hacked open and synthetics stuffed inside) and celebrity (hundreds of thousands of people line up to try to be the next American Idol, because if you're not famous, you don't matter.)


Poruke iz okoline su nam jako važne, do mjere da prema njima upravljamo svoj život. Vjerujemo da je za dobar život važno ono što nam govore te poruke.

A zapravo to nema veze sa stvarnošću. Najlakše ćemo se u to uvjeriti ako razmislimo tko šalje te poruke, kome i zašto.

Govori se o krizi današnjeg društva, a ona se zapravo svodi na to da nitko nikome ne šalje poruke zato da bi primatelju poruke istinski i nesebično pomogao, da mu bude bolje onako kako njemu treba i može biti bolje.

Sve se poruke odašilju u interesu onoga tko poruke šalje.